
International Policy Fellow, 2002

During the second half of the Fellowship period, in accordance with the research plan, I analyzed the records of the Admission Department of the IrkutskStateUniversity in comparison with the records of the Admission Department of the Irkutsk State Pedagogical University. The goal was to establish the number and social-geographical origin of applicants and students of these Universities in dynamics for the last 10 years.

Also Iconductedthe last round of the expert interview, with the university officials (vice-rectors, deans, heads of departments and chairs at the IrkutskStateUniversity) and with the officials from the Committee on Higher Education and Science of the Irkutsk Region Administration.

An article after the results of research was published in an official journal of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. (Karmadonov, Oleg. "Classical University in Today's Russia: Brilliance and Poverty of Classicism". Socialno-Gumanitarnye Znania (Social and Humanitarian Knowledge). 2003, #1.) English version is here.

Besides, the report on the problem of access to higher education is to be published in the volume devoted to youth policy in Russia, after public hearings will be held in Irkutsk in late March.


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